Corrugated 10.5
This profile has a tranquil appearance, is relatively light, easy to handle and provides an economical coverage per unit mass.
Available in transportable lengths.
Corrugated 10.5 sheeting can be embossed for thicknesses not less than 0,5mm.
Embossing provides a quality, textured finish to the sheet and reduces glare, minimises potentially unsightly “oil canning” and enhances the appearance of a metal-clad building.
High-yield materials (ISQ550 and G550) are available lightly embossed.

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The profile shall be roll-formed with 10,5 corrugations at 76mm centres giving a nett cover of 762mm.
The rib height shall be 17.5mm.
Roof Pitch
Corrugated may be used at a minimum roof pitch of 7.5° for rafter lengths up to 15m. A minimum of 10° is required for rafter lengths greater than 15m.
Bullnose and Curving
Care must be taken when ordering bullnoses and curves as there are no broad or narrow flutes on a Corrugated 10.5 sheeting to differentiate between a normal or reverse bullnose.
Corrugated can be cranked and curved to any radius greater than 800mm subject to transportation limits.