Above images: Projects using BlueScope Products
ZINCALUME® steel offers first-rate corrosion resistance and a lifespan of up to 4 times longer than ordinary galvanised steel. With its excellent forming capabilities and design versatility, ZINCALUME® steel is ideal for even the most innovative construction concepts. The surface of this material can be easily painted and the special resin coating protects the surface from unsightly marks.
COLORBOND™ steel offers an innovative pre-painted coating technology that is proven to keep your roof cooler and looking newer for longer. From city to farm, clean COLORBOND® TM comes in a variety of colours that will suit any environment and remain free from common stains for a clean and beautiful roof for years.
COLORBOND® ULTRA steel is designed specifically for external cladding application in severe coastal and industrial environments due to the higher coating class of its ZINCALUME® steel substrate, i.e. AZ200 (200g/m2 of Aluminium/Zinc alloy coating by triple spot test). The higher coating mass provides an additional degree of protection to the steel substrate. The fact that it features superior corrosion resistance in coastal and industrial environments while still being able to deliver excellent paint performance makes COLORBOND®
COLORBOND® ULTRA steel one of the most cost effective building materials to withstand exposure to the sea breeze, external industrial fall-out and other deposits that would cause accelerated corrosion.
For harsher environments such as coastal and industrial areas, the coating class of AZ200 is strongly recommended. Based on our studies, AZ200 can last 60% longer than AZ150 in the same environment. We have COLORBOND® steel used next to the coastline and yet still able to provide long-lasting shelter.
Produced and supplied by Bluescope Steel.
Suitable for:
All Concealed Fix and Pierced Fix roofing profiles

Clean COLORBOND® XRW AZ150 (designed for inland use)
0.47mm TCT or 0.53mm TCT in Clean COLORBOND® steel (Colour: TBD), metallic coating AZ150 (minimum 150g/m² coating mass),
Grade G550 (minimum yield strength 550 MPa) or G300 (minimum yield strength of 300 MPa). super polyester paint system.
25µm on the top side and 10µm on the reverse side.
Fasteners to comply with Australian Standard AS3566.2 Class 3 or 4.
Flashing or ridge capping should be manufactured from the same material as used for the roofing.
Clean COLORBOND® ULTRA AZ200 (designed for coastal use - heavy corrosive and industrial area)
0.48mm TCT or 0.54mm TCT in Clean COLORBOND® ULTRA steel (Colour: TBD), metallic coating AZ200 (minimum 200g/m² coating mass).
Grade G550 (minimum yield strength 550 MPa) or G300 (minimum yield strength 300 MPa). super polyester paint system.
25µm on the top side and 1 Oµm on the reverse side.
Fasteners to comply with Australian Standard AS3566.2 Class 4.
Flashing or ridge capping should be manufactured from the same material as used for the roofing.